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Deciduous trees lose all of their leaves for part of the year. In cold climates, this happens during the autumn so that the trees are bare throughout the winter. In hot and dry climates, deciduous trees usually lose their leaves during the dry season.

Evergreen trees don’t lose all of their needles at the same time — they always have some foliage. They do lose their leaves a little at a time with new ones growing in to replace the old but a healthy evergreen tree is never completely without leaves.
Apple Trees
Kinder Krisp
Red Regent
Snow Sweet
State Fair
Chestnut Crab Apple

Fruit Trees
Fruit Trees used in landscaping: Apple, Cherry, Pear & Plum
There are numerous varieties so please call for availability and schedule a visit to see them in person.
Cherry Trees
Evans Bali
Pear Trees
Golden Spice
Plum Trees
Black Ice
Turck’s Trees strive to provide our customers with the largest variety of landscaping trees possible to transform the look of your yard or business. We have the understanding of how to grow and help them thrive in your environment. Whether you have a green thumb or are simply looking for a few landscaping tree ideas, our tree farm us the perfect place for you to visit.
Family Owned Farm Offering Landscaping Trees:
- Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff
- Great Customer Service
- Quality Products
- Huge Selection
- Delivery Available
- Great Prices
- To decide which types of landscaping trees are best for you, try thinking in terms of the different seasons of the year. Looking at those landscaping trees that have a spectacular spring display and then those trees that are visually interesting in winter. You do not need a collection of great specimens in the yard, but have at least one type per season that will add something to your landscaping throughout the year.
Landscaping trees we have available are:
- Snowy Mountain Ash
- Birch –
- River
- Whitespire
- Crabapple –
- Gladiator
- Prairiefire Crabapple
- Spring Snow
- Elm –
- Accolade
- Expedition
- Princeton
- Hackberry
- Japanese Tree Lilac
- Kentucky Coffeetree
- Linden –
- American Sentry
- Greenspire
- Honey Locust
- Maples –
- Autumn Blaze
- Brandywine
- Celebration
- Crimson King
- Deborah
- Firefall
- Northwoods
- Royal Red
- Sienna Glen®
- Oak –
- Bur
- Heritage
- Pin
- Regal Prince
- Swamp White
- MN Strain Redbud
Other varieties may be available.
There are numerous varieties so please call for availability and schedule a visit to see them in person.
If you are interested in fresh cut christmas trees feel free to come visit us this November. We are listed in the Minnesota Christmas Tree Association.