Last Day of the season is
December 16th, 2024
Choose from 5 varieties of
Christmas trees
Balsam Fir | Fraser Fir | Canaan Fir | White Pine | Spruce
Why should I get a real Christmas Tree
Celebrating the holiday season with a Real Christmas Tree is a long-standing tradition. Better environmentally and completely recyclable, and choosing your own fresh cut Christmas tree makes a wonderful holiday memory.
Many people have the misconception that Christmas Trees are cut down from the forest. Real Christmas Trees are grown as crops on a farm. Once they are harvested, new seedlings are planted to replace harvested trees. These would NOT have been planted if trees hadn’t been harvested the previous year. Artificial Christmas Trees however are a non-renewable, non-biodegradable, plastic and metal product most often made in overseas factories. Not to mention that the factories that manufacture these artificial trees use fossil fuels, create non-degradable waste, and produce pollution as cargo in shipping lanes in the earth’s oceans.
Balsam Fir
Abies balsamea or Balsam Fir is a North American fir, native to most of eastern and central Canada and the northeastern United States. It is celebrated for its rich green needles, natural conical shape, and needle retention after being cut, and it is notably the most fragrant of all Christmas tree varieties.
Fraser Fir
The Fraser fir is a species of fir native to the Appalachian Mountains of the Southeastern United States. Abies fraseri is closely related to balsam fir, of which it has occasionally been treated as a subspecies or a variety.
Canaan Fir
The Canaan Fir can quickly reach a height of 6′ in about 7 years. It grows best in moist, well drained soils. They can be used for Christmas trees and ornamental purposes having excellent longevity when cut and high survival rate when replanted. The needles of a Canaan Fir range between 1/2″ and 1″ long. The needles are rigid to the touch and are very fragrant. When the tree is cut and used for display purposes the needles have excellent retention.
White Pine
Pinus strobus, commonly denominated the eastern white pine, northern white pine, white pine, Weymouth pine, and soft pine is a large pine native to eastern North America.
A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal regions of the Earth. Spruces are large trees, from about 20–60 m tall when mature, and have whorled branches and conical form.